my boundaries

as the creator of Mushrot, i’m very flattered by the love i’ve received for it. it makes me so happy to see others enjoying some of the creations i’m the most passionate about. however, i’d like to set some of my boundaries for it!
first of all, this should go without saying, but please do not make content about Mushrot and claim it as your own creation!! this universe means a lot to me. you’d be a dick to just claim it as your own. obviously if it’s about an oc you created that’s fine, but don’t claim to have created Mushrot or any of the characters i’ve made for it. and you also do not have the ability to change canon facts/ lore about Mushrot or any of the canon Mushrot characters, only i do!
it’s perfectly fine to make your own Mushrot oc’s! that’s fine! i’d be flattered that you like the universe enough to make your own characters in that universe!
fanfiction about my characters is fine but please don’t do any of that proship stuff- no minors and adults together, no siblings together, no noncon, etc. but that should go without saying. nsfw is okay i guess but like… don’t make it super weird yk? i don’t think sëx is a bad thing and i don’t think writing about it is a bad thing, but please, for my sake, don’t make it super gross 💔 and i'm an adult so if you write nsfw as a minor i don't need to see it (and also it's really unsafe to post it publicly anyways as a minor)
making Mushrot vent oc’s is fine too! one of the reasons i created Mushrot was for vent purposes, that’s why they had bad situations with people like Jay and Bug. as long as it’s genuinely just to cope and not one of those weird ‘romanticizing mental illness’ type situations (trauma and mental health issues is not aesthetic)! and remember to add a tw if you post potentially upsetting content!
making Mushrot age regression oc’s is fine too! just remember that age regression is NOT k!nk and i am not comfortable with anyone using my universe to make age play/ abdl/ etc. content. besides, even people in Mushrot think that one’s weird.
PLEASE tag me somehow if you make art related to Mushrot! i just genuinely would love to see it, wether it’s about an oc u made or one of my own! you can find me here:

don’t let anyone tell you “that’s not a realistic Mushrot character 🙄” bc with all the different species of Mushrot, plus the fact that they can be mixed between multiple species, genuinely the only limit is your imagination!
if you do make fanart of my characters, please make sure you know their gender and pronouns! and i’d prefer i’d you didn’t split up canon couples!